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yinka Wednesday 25 July 2012
ADVISE. HELP . Gloria evans

yinka Saturday 21 July 2012
Secrets of Multi-Orgasmic Women
Having a multiple orgasm is not
some unattainable sexual holy
grail. Women have multiples more
often than you think. A multiple
orgasm is simply "having more
than one orgasm within the
same lovemaking event." You
might have a very specific idea of
what a multi-oh should look like
but, according to Lou Paget,
author of The Great Lover
Playbook, there are actually three
different kinds that women can
have -- "Compound Singles" are
when there are substantial non-
arousal breaks between orgasm;
"Sequential Multiples" are
orgasms that occur two to three
minutes apart with cool-downs
in between; and, "Serial
Multiples" are mere seconds
apart. By recognizing the
different types of multiple
orgasms, a woman may realize
she's been having them and
didn't even know it!
Also keep in mind how unique
each woman is to men. "It's so
much easier for women than
men to have a multiple orgasm,"
says Lou Paget, sex educator and
author of The Big O – Orgasms:
How to Have Them, Give Them,
and Keep Them Coming . "Women
don't go through the refractory
phase the way men do -- with
blood flow releasing after
ejaculation -- so a multiple
orgasm could be seconds after
the first." When a woman has
one orgasm, she doesn't need to
wait for seconds. She can just go
again and again!

Alleged N15m Scam: 'She Is After Me Because I Denied Her S*x**She Stole My Sister's Phone.
Yesterday, the ongoing war
between Abuja businesswoman,
Habiba Abubakar and Nollywood
actor, Jim Iyke took a new turn.
Habiba released on documents
and a supposed 'criminal'
pictures of Jim Iyke at the police
The story, which went viral after we published it,
was reacted to by Jim Iyke, who
tweeted at us on social media,
Twitter claiming the story was
Some of his tweets at yinkuz blog read, "another
unsubstantiated story. Your
wanton exhibition of mediocrity
is hilarious! I'm on location in
Asaba (Delta State). You try too
"Let me state what I suspect you
already know; your comments
can't MAKE or MAR anyone's
career. Your prejudice and bias
[comments] keep us lighted."<
Soon after, he promised to give
more 'shout outs' as he did
before Habiba released these
documents to the media.
According to some of Jim Iyke's
'shout outs' few hours ago, "ok
folks, the idea of the shout out is
to read between the lines and
compare notes with the bogus
claims. You know the subject
matter and the topics. So, follow
"Please be advised that the
subject matter will be referred to
as the 'lady from hell'.
"Shout out to OBSESSION. That
can drive a middle-aged mother
to relentlessly pursue a
youngman's end because he
refused your sexual advances.
Peo aint dumb!
"Shout out to MOTHERS for their
love and sacrifice. Any woman
that can fabricate pictures and
stories to hurt a mother invites
an irrevocable curse. God judges!
"Shout out to the lady from hell
for stealing pictures from my
sister's phone to photo-shop to
insult my great mom. Won't insult
yours because my mom raised
me better."
He further tweeted more 'shout
out' and also promised to do
more till tomorrow.
In 2011, Jim Iyke was slapped
with an alleged 15million Naira
fraud case in court. In June 2012,
he claimed that the case was
thrown out of court for lack of
Habiba has debunked Jim Iyke's
claim that the case was thrown
out of court for lack of evidence.
She reportedly said that she
withdrew the case from court
because Jim Iyke's mother
begged her.

When a masked gunman entered
through the emergency exit of a
movie theatre in Colorado,
premiering the closing part of
Christopher Nolan's Batman
trilogy, none envisaged the
massacre that was about to
In a senseless act of carnage,
James Holmes, a PhD student at
the University of Colorado, shot
70 people, leaving 12 dead and
scores more critically wounded
in what has been classified as
the largest mass shooting in
United States history.
With shock still reverberating
around the nation and film
industry, a YouTube video has
been released claiming that a
Nigerian Pastor, who has a
remarkable penchant for
accurate revelations, had actually
predicted the incident one
month earlier.
"In the nation of America, they
should pray," the YouTube clip
showed Pastor T.B. Joshua saying
on Sunday 10th June 2012
during a church service. "I am
seeing a man carry a gun in a
gathering of people and begin to
shoot. A lot of people will be
killed before the man will be
arrested… This is homeland
security." The prophecy was
broadcast live on the ministry's
media outlet, Emmanuel TV.
During the first gun scene in the
movie 'The Dark Knight Rises',
Holmes, masked and dressed in
black, threw a canister emitting
smoke suspected to be tear gas,
which partially obscured the
audience's sight. He then
brandished a rifle and opened
fire on the crowd, picking his
victims at random and only
stopping to reload his weapon.
It was a scene "straight out of a
horror film,"said Chris Ramos,
who was inside the theatre. "He
was just literally shooting
everyone, like hunting season,"
Ramos said. "There were bullet
[casings] just falling on my head.
They were burning my
forehead," Jennifer Seeger, one
of the witnesses told reporters
afterward. "Every few seconds it
was just: Boom, boom, boom,"
she said.
The police arrived less than 90
seconds after the first emergency
calls were made and almost
immediately apprehended the
suspect upon their arrival at the
scene. He is said to have told the
police that he was 'The Joker', a
sinister and psychotic character
in Nolan's previous adaptation of
the Batman trilogy.
After the incident, US President
Obama told a sombre crowd in
Florida: "Such violence, such evil,
is senseless. But, while we will
never know fully what causes
somebody to take the live of
another, we do know what
makes life worth living."
Flags at the White House were
lowered to hall-staff in honour of
the victims. "This will be a day for
prayer and reflection," Obama
said, calling for the country to
unite as one and support the
T.B. Joshua is a very popular
religious figure in Africa, his
predictions especially revered
due to their consistent success
rate. He is also well known for his
close connections to Ghana's
President John Atta Mills, Malawi's
new female head Joyce Banda
and Zimbabwean Prime Minister
Morgan Tsvangarai.
Joshua is said to have also
prophesied concerning the tragic
shooting in the military base of
Fort Hood in November 2009. His
most recent prophecies have
included the demise of Malawian
President Bingu wa Mutharika,
the tragic plane crashes in
Nigeria and Indonesia and the
historic footballing success of
Zambia in the African Cup Of nation

When a masked gunman entered
through the emergency exit of a
movie theatre in Colorado,
premiering the closing part of
Christopher Nolan's Batman
trilogy, none envisaged the
massacre that was about to
In a senseless act of carnage,
James Holmes, a PhD student at
the University of Colorado, shot
70 people, leaving 12 dead and
scores more critically wounded
in what has been classified as
the largest mass shooting in
United States history.
With shock still reverberating
around the nation and film
industry, a YouTube video has
been released claiming that a
Nigerian Pastor, who has a
remarkable penchant for
accurate revelations, had actually
predicted the incident one
month earlier.
"In the nation of America, they
should pray," the YouTube clip
showed Pastor T.B. Joshua saying
on Sunday 10th June 2012
during a church service. "I am
seeing a man carry a gun in a
gathering of people and begin to
shoot. A lot of people will be
killed before the man will be
arrested… This is homeland
security." The prophecy was
broadcast live on the ministry's
media outlet, Emmanuel TV.
During the first gun scene in the
movie 'The Dark Knight Rises',
Holmes, masked and dressed in
black, threw a canister emitting
smoke suspected to be tear gas,
which partially obscured the
audience's sight. He then
brandished a rifle and opened
fire on the crowd, picking his
victims at random and only
stopping to reload his weapon.
It was a scene "straight out of a
horror film,"said Chris Ramos,
who was inside the theatre. "He
was just literally shooting
everyone, like hunting season,"
Ramos said. "There were bullet
[casings] just falling on my head.
They were burning my
forehead," Jennifer Seeger, one
of the witnesses told reporters
afterward. "Every few seconds it
was just: Boom, boom, boom,"
she said.
The police arrived less than 90
seconds after the first emergency
calls were made and almost
immediately apprehended the
suspect upon their arrival at the
scene. He is said to have told the
police that he was 'The Joker', a
sinister and psychotic character
in Nolan's previous adaptation of
the Batman trilogy.
After the incident, US President
Obama told a sombre crowd in
Florida: "Such violence, such evil,
is senseless. But, while we will
never know fully what causes
somebody to take the live of
another, we do know what
makes life worth living."
Flags at the White House were
lowered to hall-staff in honour of
the victims. "This will be a day for
prayer and reflection," Obama
said, calling for the country to
unite as one and support the
T.B. Joshua is a very popular
religious figure in Africa, his
predictions especially revered
due to their consistent success
rate. He is also well known for his
close connections to Ghana's
President John Atta Mills, Malawi's
new female head Joyce Banda
and Zimbabwean Prime Minister
Morgan Tsvangarai.
Joshua is said to have also
prophesied concerning the tragic
shooting in the military base of
Fort Hood in November 2009. His
most recent prophecies have
included the demise of Malawian
President Bingu wa Mutharika,
the tragic plane crashes in
Nigeria and Indonesia and the
historic footballing success of
Zambia in the African Cup Of nation

Sensational artiste, D'banj who
has suddenly become an
international star with his
romance with Kanye West's Good
Music has recently released a
single titled Oyato.
The song, ever since he threw it
to the airwave, has been trailed
with criticism most especially
from his fans on the social media
network, twitter. One of those
who reacted recently about the
song is a lady who tweeted that
''Dear D'banj, No be say your
Music #Oyato No Make sense o,
it's just that I prefer listening to
'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' to
I hope Don Jazzy is not reading

I Am Sorry, GoldieApologises ToNigerians

Nigerian Singer, Goldie Harvey,
has apologised to Nigerians who
felt disappointed over her
uncontrolled emotions while
representing the country at the
ongoing Big Brother StarGame in
South Africa.
In a chat with P.M.NEWS at a
special media session yesterday
at Protea Hotel, GRA, Ikeja, Lagos,
Southwest Nigeria, Goldie said
she was sorry if Nigerians had
seen another character different
from the usual Goldie that thrill
them as an entertainer.
"I want to tell Nigerians that I am
so sorry. I am human just like
everyone. I am an extremely
emotional person. Everybody has
two sides. What we entertainers
represent on stage is different
from who we are off stage. And I
didn't go into the Big Brother
StarGame with any strategy. I
went in there as an individual
and just to be my real self. And
that's what Africa saw. I didn't go
into that house as Goldie, the
performer, I was in there as
Susan. Fortunately, my teeming
fans got to see the human side
of me and not the woman they
see on stage," she stressed.
Goldie insists that she was her
true self from the beginning of
the show till last Sunday when
she was evicted.
"I wear my heart on my sleeve. I
am brought up to be loyal and be
truthful to everyone. I am not the
type that plot or play schism. So,
when I.K. showed me the
nomination last Sunday, the
discovery was shocking and my
knees went weak. Every other
guy had like 8, 6 and 5
nominations, but I had just two.
And I was the one to leave. I felt
betrayed when I discovered one
of the persons that nominated
me for eviction," Goldie
told P.M. NEWS.
On her 70-day run in the house,
Goldie explained that she was
overwhelmed by the positive
lessons she learned about other
African cultures. She said
whatever people might say, she
is convinced that she
represented Nigeria well in the
house as she showed to the rest
of Africa that rare qualities of
"Nigerians are loving, caring and
religious people. We have high
moral standards. And all these
qualities I tried to exhibit while
in the Big Brother house," she
After an impressive 70-day run,
Goldie, Nigeria's last
representative at the ongoing
reality TV show, was booted out
of the show on Sunday night.
Nigeria had won the show on
three consecutive occasions—
Kevin Pam in 2009, Uti
Nwachukwu in 2010 and Karen
Igho in 2011.
After an impressive run and
unexpected voluntary exit of
other two Nigerian
representatives, Ola and Chris,
from this year's show, a lot was
expected from Goldie, as the only
Nigerian left in the show. But on
the contrary, many Nigerians
vent their anger on her as she
was seen to be on the hunt for
love than the $300,000 prize at
stake and honour for her father
On her tumultuous relationship
with fellow housemate, Prezzo,
The Kennis Music recording diva
said the Kenyan-born rapper told
her that he has been separated
from his wife for two years now.
"In the early weeks of the game,
Prezzo told me that he has
separated from his wife. I asked
him thrice on different occasions
and he reaffirmed his statement.
I even advised him to reconcile
with the woman because of their
child but he insisted that his
mind was made up.
"He said if he had wanted to, he
would have done that about two
years ago. There are cameras in
the house, if only people can
playback to prove what I am
saying," Goldie said.
She added that she didn't regret
giving her heart to the Kenyan
because she saw in him as a
gentle person and he seemed to
be intelligent.
"You had about 50 cameras to
watch you but I had only two
eyes and two ears and I believed
in what I saw. But when I heard
everything he had said, I was
sad, but I realise that he went
into the house to play a game. I
have learnt my lesson and I am
stronger for it," the singer said.

yinka Friday 20 July 2012
Breaking News - 'Sober' Tonto Dikeh Begs Rita Dominic, 'I'll Never Disrespect You Dead Or Alive'
Dikeh Calls Rita Dominic "Old
Desperate Cargo" On Twitter'.
This was wrongfully fed upon by
some who saw the headline and
thought Tonto is having a bitter
fight with Rita Dominic as
against a tweet believed to be
directed at Ini Edo.
Apparently not wanting a
situation she would be pitched
against Rita Dominic, Tonto
quickly tweeted at Rita Dominic
clearing the air at once.
She tweeted, "Ma, I'm terribly
sorry for the rumours going on. I
pray you understand the love
and respect I have for you. I'll
never disrespect you; dead or
This apology by Tonto to Rita has
taken many by surprise because
of the believed 'eccentric' nature
of the Tonto Dikeh. Some have
insinuated that Tonto quickly
apologised to Rita because Rita is
also a no-nonsense person.
Is this a confirmation that 'no
matter how mad a dog might be
or go, it would surely succumb to
the orders of its owner' ?

Exclusive interview with Naeto C & M.I Collaborate the Headline of the 6th Edition of Hennessy Artistry
You have been
waiting to see two of Nigeria's
favourite rappers – M.I. and
Naeto C on a track together, then
I bet you agree with me when I
say "It's about time!".
This week, Hennessy Cognac –
organizers of foremost Nigerian
innovative musical platform –
Hennessy Artistry, exclusively
announced to us that Nigerian
Hip-Hop heavy weights M.I. and
Naeto C will be headlining the
sixth edition of their annual
music project.
Similar to last year's edition,
Hennessy Artistry 2012 will kick
off with the release of the
headliners' collaboration track,
after which a 22-stop Club Tour
with rising artistes will follow.
Hennessy Cognac is asking fans
to nominate the artistes they
would like to see perform at this
year's Club Tour now, by going
HennessyNigeria. The 2012
Hennessy Artistry project will
culminate in VIP events headlined
by M.I and Naeto C.
Currently interviewed by one of the popular radio station here in
nigeria,the beat fm(toolz), hoping the song and video will be great He
said, Necto C ,which will be and we all believe to be a married man
tomorrow saturday.
However unfortunately M.I couldn't make it to the interview but He
was interview through phone. Explaining how well and how far they
could really make it work together. Both believe that being trying to
put in their best in the song wouldn't make any sought of
competitiveness between them. In the next two weeks the
song will be released and consequently the video will be out two weeks

Tonto Dikeh At War With Ini Edo, Calls Her 'Desperate Old Cargo'
Call her Nollywood's most
controversial, you might not be
wrong. Tonto Dikeh has pulled
another trigger that might go as
one of the hardest shots in
The 58-tattoo bodied actress has
fired a shot at Ini Edo as
countdown to votes-determined
Future Awards starts. You will
recall that in 2011, Rita Dominic
accused Ini Edo of vote cheat
when she tweeted, ""Ok, I have
to announce this o! INI EDO, who
had 200 votes last night has
eclipsed the first actress by 200
votes. JEZUXXXX."
Like a spider, this spurned lots of
'bitter' webs between Ini Edo
and Rita Dominic.
Yesterday morning, Tonto
tweeted, "It's another
nomination (THE FUTURE
AWARDZ)*Hopefully, the
Nollywood old desperate cargo'z
will not pay engineer to increase
their votes this time. #SHAME."
The tweet has already generated
mixed reactions from fans of
both sexy actresses. Ini Edo is 30
while Tonto is 26. Was Tonto's
tweet necessary in the first place
or was she trying to drive at a
The duo are major contenders in
the Best Actor category they
were nominated in at The Future
Award 2012.

Wazobia Fm Crew( omo and igho) interview with evicted big brother
africa mate, GOLDIE. 1 .When asked ,did you watched prezzo pants?
2, if you and prezzo meet how would you react? WELL I
the come back from big brother africa show , what is the next single
your fans should be expecting from you? EXPECT SOMETHING GOOD .WELL I
MUSICIANS THERE. 4. What kind of man do you wish to settle
5. Dont you have taste for fine and handsome guy? I DO 6.
Who do you think will win the big brother africa? I CANT REALLY SAY.
7. What other talent can you do? WELL I CAN SOW VERY
WELL. 8. What is the lesson you learnt from the big brother africa
IS YOURSELF AND GOD. Yinkuz Blog gathered that
most of nigerian including neighbouring countries like ghana who
called into the exclusive interview with Goldie didn't get good
reception from viewer. But the truth is ,what do you think?

Reps want Sanusi, Oteh to face prosecution
The plenary session of the
House adopted almost all the
recommendations of the
Committee. However, due to
the intervention of the
Chairman of the House
Committee on Banking and
Currency Matters, Hon. Jones
Onyereri, some of the Capital
Market Committee's
recommendations were
stepped down for
harmonisation by the two
According to some of the
ratified recommendations: "
The Governor of Central
Bank, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi;
the Managing Director Asset
Management Corporation of
Nigeria (AMCON), Mustafa
Chike-Obi; Director-General
Securities Exchange
Commission (SEC) Ms Arunma
Oteh are hereby cited for
contempt of the House and
they should be prosecuted
by the Attorney-General of
the Federation under
sections 4 and 11 (b) of the
Legislative Houses Powers
and Privileges Act and
section 89 of the amended
1999 Constitution for
refusing to produce
documents as requested
and demanded by the Adhoc
"That the Central Bank of
Nigeria Governor through his
Deputy Governor Kingsley
Moghalu, SEC DG and the
Nigeria Deposit Insurance
Corporation (NDIC) Managing
Director having lied under
oath in their testimony with
respect to the ownership
structure of the nationalised
banks should be prosecuted
under Section 10 of the
Legislative Houses Powers
and Privileges Act, Cap 12
Laws of the Federation of
Nigeria by the Attorney-
General of the Federation for
giving false evidence under
oath to the Committee.
"That the appointment of Ms
Arunma Oteh as DG of SEC be
terminated forthwith as her
appointment is in violation of
section 3 (2) and section 38
(1) b, 2 and 3; Section 315 of
the Investment and Security
Act, 2007 in that she did not
have 15 years experience in
the Nigerian Capital Market
as required; That she has
shown incompetence in the
management of human and
material resources at her
disposal in SEC; lacked
transparency in managing
Project 50, regulatory failure
in some of the recent
mergers, acquisitions and
approvals of transactions by
SEC and general inability to
carry along her staff, Board,
and Management in decision
making in SEC and
questionable staff
recruitment policies.
"That with respect to the
missing N8billion, from the
Union Bank Plc public offer, a
case of fraudulent diversion
having been established, the
past Board and Management
of the bank, the Chief
Executive Officer of the
Issuing House/Financial
Adviser, the present
members of the Board and
Management, including the
Managing Director of the
bank Mrs F. Osibodu should
be investigated by the EFCC
with a view to establishing
and recovering the missing
amount. Also, the
management of AMCON and
SEC including their Chief
Executive officers should be
investigated by EFCC
considering their roles in
attempting to conceal the
fraudulent diversion and
missing fund.
"That all former bank
executives who are
recipients of National
Honours and who are
currently being prosecuted
for crimes and unethical
practices which led to the
collapse of their banks be
stripped of their National
Honours by President
Goodluck Jonathan in line
with section 7 of the
National Honours Act and
international norms. That
EFCC and Independent
Corrupt Practices and Related
Offences Commission (ICPC)
and the courts are also
urged to hasten their
prosecution to serve as a
deterrence and to help
restore investors confidence
in the market."
"That the transactions
involving AMCON, Seawolf
and Geometric respectively
should be reversed by
AMCON's Management and
Board and be investigated
by EFCC for possible fraud
and violations of existing
regulations and laws.
"That former CBN Governor,
Prof Charles Soludo, Deputy
Governor of the Bank Tunde
Lemo and former Director of
the bank, Banking
Supervision Ignatius Imala,be
further investigated by the
House on account of their
role in the banking sector
crisis that led to the CBN's
intervention in eight banks
in 2009.
"That the allegation of
financial impropriety against
the former DG of Nigeria
Stock Exchange (NSE) Mrs
Ndidi Okereke Onyiuke is
In its findings, the
Committee's report had
revealed that the Assets
Management Corporation
ofNigeria, AMCON was a time
bomb waiting to explode.
The report also stated that
the consolidation of banks in
2004/2005 contributed to
the near collapse of the
capital market and that most
of the money raised for re-
capitalisation came from the
Nigerian Capital Market.
According to the Ad-hoc
Committee report AMCON is
an accumulation of bubbles
that would soon explode
because as at date, AMCON
claimed to have issued
bonds worthN4.5trillion but
only about N1.7trillion is
guaranteed by the Federal
The report further stated
that "the real challenge of
the AMCON bonds is the
bond's ability of being
converted into liquid cash
and the fact that a good

yinka Thursday 19 July 2012
Former Fifa presidential
candidate Mohamed bin
Hammam has won his case
against a life ban from football
on for allegedly bribing voters
during his challenge to
However, the Court of Arbitration
for Sport said its panel was not
convinced bin Hammam is
innocent of corruption – but it
overturned the ban because
Fifa's investigation failed to find
conclusive evidence.
'It is a situation of 'case not
proven,' coupled with concern
on the part of the Panel that the
Fifa investigation was not
complete or comprehensive
enough to fill the gaps in the
record,' sport's highest court
said in a statement.
Despite the legal victory, Bin
Hammam's bid to clear his name
is far from over. Bin Hammam
faces new charges of bribery at
the Asian Football Confederation,
which claimed this week that its
president's financial
management was revealed in a
forensic audit of the governing
body's accounts.
Fifa responded to the CAS verdict
'with concern', saying it will ask
its newly appointed independent
prosecutor Michael J. Garcia to re-
examine the case.
'The Fifa Ethics Committee will
then decide based on the reports
and evidence presented to it if
any action is required to be
taken against Mohamed bin
Hammam,' Fifa said in a
statement. Bin Hammam's victory
at CAS will only partially restore
his shattered reputation.
The panel, which was split 2-1 in
his favor, 'is not making any sort
of affirmative finding of
innocence in relation to Mr. Bin
Hammam,' the court said. 'It is
more likely than not that Mr. Bin
Hammam was the source of the
monies that were brought into
Trinidad and Tobago' at an
election campaign rally in May
Fifa got evidence from Caribbean
whistleblowers who said they
were offered $40 000 cash
bribes during the 63-year-old
Qatari's electioneering visit. Bin
Hammam denied wrongdoing,
claiming Blatter helped
orchestrate a scandal to
guarantee his election victory
unopposed a few weeks later.
The failure of Fifa's prosecution
at CAS comes after it hired an
investigations agency led by
former FBI director Louis Freeh
to conduct the probe.

Tinubu chides FG over lowbudgetary vote for security
of Lagos State, Asiwaju Bola
Tinubu, yesterday,
condemned the Federal
Government for voting a
paltry N921 billion for
security in this year's budget.
He said with the inadequate
money voted for security,
they have failed for providing
security for most Nigerians.
He said this in Ibadan, at the
launch of Oyo State Security
Trust Fund.
Tinubu said: "States have
had to fund from their scarce
resources effective policing
in their states. In this year's
budget, for example, the
Federal Government allocated
N921 billion for security,
which amounts to a paltry
19.4 per cent of the total
budgetary outlay of N4.749
trillion. Yet, no state or
country can attract
investments and
development without
assurances of security of life
and property."
Governor Abiola Ajimobi
explained how the state was
engulfed in violence before
assuming office.
The situation, he noted, was
deplorable that legitimate
businesses were threatened
and those desirous of
contributing their quota to
the development of the state
fled for their lives.
Those at the event included
Chairman of Honeywell
Group, Mr. Oba Otudeko;
Aare Musulumi of
Yorubaland, Alhaji Abdul-
Azeez Arisekola Alao;
Chairman, Coscharis, Chief
Cosmas Maduka, royal
fathers, captains of industry,
representatives of banks,
security agencies, and top
government officials.

Soldiers ‘retaliate’ Colonel’sarrest on BRT lane
expressing their displeasure
over Tuesday's arrest of two
army officers, including
Colonel K. I. Yusuf, by Lagos
State Governor, Mr.
Babatunde Fashola, for
driving on the dedicated Bus
Rapid Transit, BRT, lane,
some soldiers on
Wednesday, reportedly went
after officials of the Lagos
State Task-force on
Environment and Special
Offences, at the Yaba area of
the metropolis.
Although the Chairman, of
the task-force,
Superintendent of Police,
Bayo Sulaimon, said there
was no clash between
members of his team and
militarymen as alleged, he
agreed there was 'a minor
The soldier were allegedly
said to have attacked the
task-force officials who were
on patrol on Murtala
Muhammed Way, Yaba, using
broken bottles and stones.
They were also said to have
punctured the tyres of a
Black Maria used by the task-
force in transporting traffic
An eyewitness told Vanguard
that the incident occurred
about 9a.m, when the
taskforce officials attempted
to arrest a commercial bus
caught violating traffic rules
at a spot close to an Army
According to reports, a
soldier seated in front of the
commercial bus quickly
retrieved the key from the
driver, preventing the task-
force officials from taking
the bus away.
A heated argument was said
to have erupted between the
soldier and the task-force
officials which soon
degenerated into a brawl.
The soldier allegedly called
for reinforcement from the
81 Division barracks and
pronto, several soldiers
trooped out from the
barracks and began to haul
stones and other missiles at
the task-force officials.
"As the clash ensued, some
of the soldiers made
unpleasant remarks about
the governor for attempting
to arrest and humiliate an
Army Colonel, threatening to
vent their anger on the
"As the situation worsened,
the task-force men also
called for reinforcement. It
was in the heat of the clash
that the tyres of the Black
Maria were punctured," an
eye-witness, who pleaded
anonymity said.
Army denies attack
When Vanguard contacted,
army spokesman, 81
Division, Lt-Col. Kayode
Ogunsanya, he said he was
unaware of any clash
between soldiers and
officials of the task-force at
Ogunsanya, however, said an
un-named high ranking
official of the state confirmed
the attack on the officials,
saying it was an affront on
the state government for
soldiers to vandalise a
government vehicle.
He said it was wrong for
soldiers to attack taskforce
officials on legitimate duty
with stones and other
dangerous weapons.
In his narration of what
transpired, through the task-
force's Public Relations
Officer, Mrs. Tayo, Sulaimon,
clarified that there was no
clash between them and the
army," but there was a slight
altercation which was later
settled without anybody
sustaining injury.
Sulaimon said: "In the early
hours of Wednesday about
9a.m, one of our men, who
was on duty post at Yaba
area apprehended a
commercial bus driver for
contravening the state traffic
"In the process, an army
personnel in the bus
prevented the task-force
men from impounding the
vehicle. Consequently, there
was a little confusion.
"The militaryman called for
reinforcement from a nearby
barracks, but before the men
arrived, the matter had been
resolved without any
casualty or clash as the
commercial bus was let off
the hook."
It was learnt that the soldier
came up with the action in
protest of the media hype on
the reports that Governor
Fashola arrested a Colonel
who drove on the BRT lane
the previous day.

MAIDUGURI – Men of the
military Joint Task Force (JTF)
clashed with gunmen
suspected to be members of
the Boko Haram gunmen in
Gambouru ward of
Maiduguri metropolis in
Borno state, killing two
civilians on Thursday at
A resident and an eyewitness
said that the clash occurred
when suspected gunmen
attacked one of the military
patrol vehicles near Kofa Biyu
on the Sir Kashim Ibrahim
He said: "we had to run for
our dare lives, as the
shootings between soldiers
and gunmen were from
front, right and back. I
cannot tell you whether
some people were killed in
the shootouts, but some of
us run into our houses for
fear of being killed by stray
bullets this morning here in
An attendant of the Accident
and Emergency (A&E) unit of
the University of Maiduguri
Teaching Hospital (UMTH)
also confirmed that two
bodies of civilians were
brought into the hospital by
the JTF van.
The attendant in a text
message to newsmen
yesterday said: "two men in
personal dress were brought
in dead now at the Accident
and Emergency (A&E) unit of
Teaching Hospital by a JTF
van at about 12
noon Thursday."
Speaking on Thursday's
clash, the spokesman of JTF,
Lt. Col Sagir Musa said: "I am
not aware of the shootouts
between us and suspected
gunmen. But I will
investigate to confirm
today's shootouts in the
metropolis, before reaching
to you if there were
Confirming the incident, the
Borno state Police Public
Relations Officer (PPRO),
Gideon Jibrin said that there
was a clash between men of
the JTF and suspected
gunmen in Gombouru ward
of Maiduguri on
Thursday, where some
civilians were injured by
stray bullets.
He said the police area
commander of Gambouru
ward, was yet to send his
report on the incident to the
headquarters for further

4 signs that let you know if A Man is ready for Marriage by joel
Men and marriage -- ever wonder
what it takes to get the two
together? If you're trying to get
your boyfriend to make a
commitment, I have good news
and bad news. The good news is
that you can stop trying to
manipulate, sweet talk or
pressure him into proposing. The
bad news is that there's nothing
you can do to speed up the
process. That's not to say it'll
never happen. Men fall in love and
get married every day. But men
have their own biological clocks.
When they're ready, they head
down the aisle -- but not a
moment sooner. In the
meantime, it's not possible to
convince a commitment-phobic
guy that you're the best thing
that will ever happen to him --
even if you are! If you're anxious
to get married, your best bet may
be looking for someone who
doesn't need convincing to get
down on one knee.
The Sex and the City gang once
compared a marriage-ready man
to a taxi: At a certain point in his
life, he becomes ready for
commitment. His "available" light
goes on and the next lady in his
life gets the ring. Luckily for us,
it's not that hard to tell the
difference between a man who's
got the light on and one who's
just driving around in the dark.
Want some help? Here are four
hints that a man has present-day
potential to become a mate for
1. His Oat-Sowing Days Are Over 2.He's discovered His desire to be a
Dad 3. He's financially Independent and lastly He's your boyfriend in
Name - your Husband in spirit.

COSON Drags Silverbird Into 3billion naira suit
The Copyright Society of Nigeria
(COSON) had dragged Silverbird
Communications Ltd, owners of
Silverbird Television and Rhythm
FM across the country in a
lawsuit against a copyright
infringement by Silverbird. Also
joined in the suit is the
organization's Chairman, Mr. Ben
Murray Bruce.
According to the lawsuit filed at
the Federal High Court, Lagos on
July 18, 2012 by Lagos IP lawyer,
Mr. Justin Ige COSON is asking for
the award of more than three
billion naira in unpaid royalties
and damages against Silverbird
Communications Ltd and its
owners for the unauthorized
copying, broadcast and
infringement of the copyright in
the musical works and sound
recordings belonging to COSON
members, affiliates and
Speaking on the development,
COSON Chairman, Chief Tony
Okoroji said, "We have been very
patient with music users in
Nigeria, but that has not yielded
much results. It is time people
realized that at COSON we stand
by our words.
"If anyone pushes us, we will
push back. We have opened our
doors wide and still continue to
keep them open to all who are
willing to discuss with us and
legally deploy music in their
businesses. Those who respect
us will receive respect from us.
Those who treat the music
industry with contempt will get
what they deserve''.
It will be recalled that in June,
2012, COSON instituted a billion
naira lawsuit against Globe
Broadcasting & Communications
Ltd, owners of the Wazobia FM
stations across Nigeria.
A week later, COSON filed a two
billion naira action against Steam
Broadcasting & Communications
Ltd owners of Cool FM. The
Wazobia FM action has been
resolved out of court and a big
copyright royalty agreement
signing ceremony is scheduled to
hold in Lagos between COSON
and the owners of Wazobia FM
on Monday, July 23.

Di Matteo confirms Chelsea’s desire in victor moses
LONDON (AFP) – Roberto Di Matteo has
revealed Chelsea are in talks with Wigan in
a bid to sign Nigeria forward Victor Moses.
Wigan chairman Dave Whelan claimed
earlier this week that he had rejected a bid
from Chelsea for Moses because it failed to
match £10 million (12.7-million-euro, $15.6-
million) valuation of the 21-year-old.
And Blues manager Di Matteo has now
confirmed the European champions are
keen to complete a deal for the highly-rated
former Crystal Palace player, who will be
out of contract at the end of this coming
Di Matteo, currently in the United States
with Chelsea for their pre-season tour, told "It's something that the
clubs are discussing but at the moment he
is a Wigan player.
"He had a good season last season, he is
young and an interesting prospect."
Di Matteo also wants to speak to French
winger Florent Malouda over his future this
The 32-year-old is entering the final year of
his contract with Chelsea and had been
linked with a move to Brazilian club Santos
but that deal has reportedly fallen through.
"Florent is back with us now and I will have
a talk with him this week," Di Matteo said.
"We cannot name more than 25 players in
the squad so we will have to make some
"Pre-season gives me a great opportunity
to look at the new players and see how
they develop. The final decision on who will
go and who will stay will be made at the
beginning of August."
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Breaking News: Twin (sisters) marry the same Husband
It has been said that twins share almost
everything but sharing a husband may seem
unimaginable. But Zambia's Livingstone-based
twin sisters Gracious and Grace are happily
married to a man they gave conditions to, they
said "take all or none."
The Tswana, Botswana twins are married to 25-
year-old Kays Kaundula, who lives in Livingstone
Island in Zambia.
Kaundula, his wives Grace and Gracious and his
three daughters from the two twin sisters show
off their family and lifestyles.
Kaundula runs his own motor vehicle mechanical
workshop in Livingstone Island's residential area
and shares a house with his wives.
Kaundula however was later to discover that the
sisters shared a cell phone and that in his
conversations he proposed love to both sisters
and both accepted.
A visit to plot 140, the residence of Kaundula, was
met with a sweet greeting of small twin girls,
who are Kaundula's four-year-old daughters
from Gracious.
Gracious and Grace seem happily married and
Gracious even says when her daughters grow up
and decide to get married, she would want them
to get married to one man.
"I want them to be together just like us.
This is what we set for ourselves as we
grew up and we are happy that we have
achieved what is good for us and our
children," she says.
Asked what they would do if Kaundula decided to
get another wife since he was already in a
polygamous status, the two sisters at the same
time reply, "we will divorce him."
Kaundula's marriage is one which he says he first
could not understand as he was first confused
when he met the two sisters.
"I was picked by an amateur football team
to play in Gaborone in Botswana and after
one game as I walked out of the stadium I
was greeted with a sweet voice from one
of my wives, I can't tell who. I was told
that I had played a nice game.
"From there I continued talking to her or
now realise that it was them on a cell
phone as I later discovered that they were
using one phone so I was talking to either
of the two every time I called," Kaundula
He says their relationship continued from phone
conversations until he was later to meet them
again as if by destiny's design in Livingstone
when they visited one of their sisters.
"After I left Botswana, I enrolled at
Livingstone Institute of Business and
Engineering studies and I happened to one
day meet one the twins when they came to
visit their sister who was staying near the
institute and from there here we are," he
Kaundula, who is chief executive officer of Kays
Auto Services dealing in engine overhaul,
servicing, electric repairing and motor vehicle
repair consultancy, says he was told by the twins
when he proposed that they wanted to get
married to one man and if he was not ready, he
would have neither of them.
"I proposed and they told me that they
have been discussing my proposals which I
had been advancing through the phone.
Mind you it was one phone that they shared
and at that time they were much slimmer
than now and I could not tell them apart, so
I accepted and got married in 2007.
"My dowry was paid to my mother in-law
who has since passed on in Botswana,"
Kaundula says.
He said he underwent a few difficulties with his
own family when he told them of the marriage
"Some opposed and others seemed to
agree but also said I was overloading
myself. One funny thing I realised later was
that on the day I met the twin in Botswana,
I was greeted twice by a person I thought
had greeted me earlier.
"I did not know that they were twins. It
also surprised me that I fell in love with
both of them and when I proposed they
also said I would get none unless I got
them both. They say love is not shared but
for me it's shared equally," he says.
He says that he can now tell his wives apart,
unlike the early days when he first met them.
Kaundula says they would both answer to any of
their names when he called.
"When I call and say Grace I would get a
'yes' at the other end when actually I was
talking to Gracious. I have three daughters;
one with Grace and twins with Gracious. I
have Chiluba and Chipo aged four and one
month old. Chiluba who is named after my
only surviving sister who is a teacher in
Mansa and the other after my other sibling
Chipo who is in Lusaka.
"My other daughter from Grace is
Blessings. I also have another brother in
Lusaka (named) Paul," Kaundula said.
Asked how people in the community react to the
marital arrangement, Gracious and Grace say
they have been told that they did a right thing.
"Our friends say we did a good thing and
they envy us. I work at Tukale Lodge and
my sister is at home helping with the
children. On your question of him bringing
another wife our only resolve would be to
divorce him, we are very happy with the
way we are staying as a family and that is
what we want for our children," Gracious
The sisters say they are the last children in a
family of five and that all their relatives who are in
Botswana approve of their marriage.
Kaundula has continued with his football career
with Blue Arrows Football Club who train at the
Zambezi Sports Club under the sponsorship of
the Zambia Air Force.
Click the link below to go to...
ABOMINATION: 2 Top Nollywood
Actresses In Lesbianism Act Revealed
Obi Emenloye Keeps Mum On Omotola,
Genevieve, Halle Berry Movie Role Rumour
P-Square's Mum's Body Arrives Lagos From
Gov. Fashola confronts senior military
officers driving on BRT lane
15 Entertainers ...Why They Push Out
Watermelon, Recklessly (Nigeria Ne

Breaking News: Twin (sisters) marry the same Husband
It has been said that twins share almost
everything but sharing a husband may seem
unimaginable. But Zambia's Livingstone-based
twin sisters Gracious and Grace are happily
married to a man they gave conditions to, they
said "take all or none."
The Tswana, Botswana twins are married to 25-
year-old Kays Kaundula, who lives in Livingstone
Island in Zambia.
Kaundula, his wives Grace and Gracious and his
three daughters from the two twin sisters show
off their family and lifestyles.
Kaundula runs his own motor vehicle mechanical
workshop in Livingstone Island's residential area
and shares a house with his wives.
Kaundula however was later to discover that the
sisters shared a cell phone and that in his
conversations he proposed love to both sisters
and both accepted.
A visit to plot 140, the residence of Kaundula, was
met with a sweet greeting of small twin girls,
who are Kaundula's four-year-old daughters
from Gracious.
Gracious and Grace seem happily married and
Gracious even says when her daughters grow up
and decide to get married, she would want them
to get married to one man.
"I want them to be together just like us.
This is what we set for ourselves as we
grew up and we are happy that we have
achieved what is good for us and our
children," she says.
Asked what they would do if Kaundula decided to
get another wife since he was already in a
polygamous status, the two sisters at the same
time reply, "we will divorce him."
Kaundula's marriage is one which he says he first
could not understand as he was first confused
when he met the two sisters.
"I was picked by an amateur football team
to play in Gaborone in Botswana and after
one game as I walked out of the stadium I
was greeted with a sweet voice from one
of my wives, I can't tell who. I was told
that I had played a nice game.
"From there I continued talking to her or
now realise that it was them on a cell
phone as I later discovered that they were
using one phone so I was talking to either
of the two every time I called," Kaundula
He says their relationship continued from phone
conversations until he was later to meet them
again as if by destiny's design in Livingstone
when they visited one of their sisters.
"After I left Botswana, I enrolled at
Livingstone Institute of Business and
Engineering studies and I happened to one
day meet one the twins when they came to
visit their sister who was staying near the
institute and from there here we are," he
Kaundula, who is chief executive officer of Kays
Auto Services dealing in engine overhaul,
servicing, electric repairing and motor vehicle
repair consultancy, says he was told by the twins
when he proposed that they wanted to get
married to one man and if he was not ready, he
would have neither of them.
"I proposed and they told me that they
have been discussing my proposals which I
had been advancing through the phone.
Mind you it was one phone that they shared
and at that time they were much slimmer
than now and I could not tell them apart, so
I accepted and got married in 2007.
"My dowry was paid to my mother in-law
who has since passed on in Botswana,"
Kaundula says.
He said he underwent a few difficulties with his
own family when he told them of the marriage
"Some opposed and others seemed to
agree but also said I was overloading
myself. One funny thing I realised later was
that on the day I met the twin in Botswana,
I was greeted twice by a person I thought
had greeted me earlier.
"I did not know that they were twins. It
also surprised me that I fell in love with
both of them and when I proposed they
also said I would get none unless I got
them both. They say love is not shared but
for me it's shared equally," he says.
He says that he can now tell his wives apart,
unlike the early days when he first met them.
Kaundula says they would both answer to any of
their names when he called.
"When I call and say Grace I would get a
'yes' at the other end when actually I was
talking to Gracious. I have three daughters;
one with Grace and twins with Gracious. I
have Chiluba and Chipo aged four and one
month old. Chiluba who is named after my
only surviving sister who is a teacher in
Mansa and the other after my other sibling
Chipo who is in Lusaka.
"My other daughter from Grace is
Blessings. I also have another brother in
Lusaka (named) Paul," Kaundula said.
Asked how people in the community react to the
marital arrangement, Gracious and Grace say
they have been told that they did a right thing.
"Our friends say we did a good thing and
they envy us. I work at Tukale Lodge and
my sister is at home helping with the
children. On your question of him bringing
another wife our only resolve would be to
divorce him, we are very happy with the
way we are staying as a family and that is
what we want for our children," Gracious
The sisters say they are the last children in a
family of five and that all their relatives who are in
Botswana approve of their marriage.
Kaundula has continued with his football career
with Blue Arrows Football Club who train at the
Zambezi Sports Club under the sponsorship of
the Zambia Air Force.
Click the link below to go to...
ABOMINATION: 2 Top Nollywood
Actresses In Lesbianism Act Revealed
Obi Emenloye Keeps Mum On Omotola,
Genevieve, Halle Berry Movie Role Rumour
P-Square's Mum's Body Arrives Lagos From
Gov. Fashola confronts senior military
officers driving on BRT lane
15 Entertainers ...Why They Push Out
Watermelon, Recklessly (Nigeria Ne

LASTMA official crushed to Death
LAGOS—A 34-year-old official of Lagos
State Traffic Management Authority,
LASTMA, was Tuesday crushed to death in
his attempt to arrest a driver who
reportedly violated traffic regulation at Oke-
Afa, in the Isolo area of Lagos.
Eyewitnesses said a blue Volkswagen LT
bus with number-plate LSR 942XC, drove
towards Ejigbo in an attempt to beat the
traffic light on reaching Pako. One of the
LASTMA officials on duty, one Mustapher
Adeleke, reportedly attempted to stop him.
In the process, the motorist, identified as
Haruna Nuru, reportedly diverted to Okota
lane, only to swerve to Isolo lane.
An eyewitness, who identified himself
simply as Mr. Oluwole, narrated that
"LASTMA official was pursuing the driver,
as he turned to Okota lane, the LASTMA
official jumped on the vehicle, but lost his
grip and fell off as the driver swerved to
Isolo route, killing him in the process. "
A statement by LASTMA, yesterday,
however, reads that; "An official of
LASTMA , Adeleke has been killed by the
driver of a private vehicle (Blue Volkswagen
LT Bus) with number-plate LSR 942XC.
"The official, who was at his duty post at
Oke-Afa, Ejigbo, with his colleagues, were
part of the team drafted to the axis to
control and enforce driving against traffic
along Mile 2 area.
"The driver of the bus, Haruna Nuru, drove
against traffic from Isolo end of the road
and hit the officer from behind.
Mustapha was later rushed to Isolo General
Hospital and confirmed dead. "The corpse
has been deposited at the hospital morgue.
"The driver, having noticed that he had hit
a government official, ran away with the
vehicle and was apprehended at Abimbola
Road, Limca area, after Isolo Bus-stop, and
handed over to the police. The suspect has
been handed over to the Police at Okota
Police Station."
Meanwhile, LASTMA General Manager,
Babatunde Edu, has advised motorists to
obey the state's traffic laws and order and
desist from "attacking, maiming or
assaulting innocent officers who are
tirelessly working to ensure that we get to
our various destinations on time and
Bomb scare in Lagos
There was a bomb scare in Lagos,
yesterday, when an attempt by a guest to
blow up Reliance Royal Suites at
Majekodunmi Street, off Toyin Street in
Ikeja, was foiled.
The Anti-Bomb Squad men were said to
have arrived the scene at 10.20 a.m, with
their devices, taking the suspected
explosive to their office.
The male guest reportedly planted the
combustive substance inside a jacket with
its timer, before leaving the hotel room .
Immediately he left, report said, one of the
room attenders went in to clean the room
only to discover the suspected explosive.
He reportedly raised an alarm, after which
the substance was taken outside the hotel
premises before the arrival of the Anti-
Bomb Squad.
News of the discovery caused panic
among residents of the area as most of
them reportedly vacated their homes.
When contacted, the Commissioner of
Police in -charge of Bomb Squad, Mr
Folunsho Adebanjo, said it was a mere
bomb scare, describing the substance as a
He explained that "one Akinwunmi
Alagbegun from Reliance Hotel, came to
EOD headquarters to report that an object
suspected to be bomb was discovered in
one of the rooms.
"I sent some men there who recovered the
object and brought it here for analysis and
discovered it to be a hoax. The object
comprises of an Improvised life jacket,
three pieces of red rubber strands, a
computer mouse and four pieces of small
rectangular polystyrene wrapped in a
newspaper, with some carton pieces
stapled to the jacket"
He described the unknown guest as a
deranged person who was only out to
scare people.
The management of the hotel refused
Vanguard entry into the premises.
Moments later, men from the Rapid
Response Squad, RRS, visited the hotel,
apparently to carry out an investigation.

Rashidi Yekini immortalises by Kwara State
The administration of Alhaji Abdulfatah
Ahmed of Kwara state yesterday
immortalised the former governor of the
state, Late Alhaji Mohammed Alabi Lawal
and former Super Eagles striker, Late
Rashidi Yekinni .
The decision was taken at the state
executive council meeting.
The SSG,Alhaji Isiaka Gold flanked by
commissioner for information and home
affairs,Prince Tunji Moronfoye and
Commissioner for sports Barrister Kayode
Towoju said this at a post exco press
briefing yesterday.
The State Commissioner for Sports and
Youths development, Mr. Kayode Towoju
told journalists that, the Ilorin Golf Club was
named after late former governor Lawal
while the, CBN- Ola-Olu road was named
after late Rasidi Yekinni.
Towoju added that, during the life time of
Late former governor, Lawal used his
wealth to develop the Golf development
across the nation and Kwara in particular.
He added that, apart from this, late Alhaji
Lawal has also sponsored many people in
the state for Golf competition which
according to him has brought a lot of
laurels to the state.
On the part of Late Yekinni's contributions
to the football development in the nation,
Towoju said that, the late striker has done
the nation proud and his home state,
Kwara that called for the immortalisation.
He said that, this contributions has gone a
long way of putting the state in the world
Towoju therefore assured the people of the
state of government commitment towards
rewarding any body that had worked for
the socio economic development of the
Commissioner for education and Human
capital development,Alhaji Saka Onimago
also told newsmen that the state
government has splitted its ministry of
Education and Human Capital Development
into two.
The commissioner said that the ministry
now has a twin sister of ministry of tertiary
education, science and technology
Onimago said the government took the
decision to ensure that its policies plans for
education in the sate are effectively
He said the new ministry would be in
charge of all the state owned tertiary
institutions which include a university, a
polytechnic and four colleges of education
among others
Onimago who said that the state
scholarship board has also been put under
the supervision of the ministry as a
parastatal disclosed that the state governor,
Abdulfatah Ahmed has asked the
commissioner for Special Duties, Aliu Lade
to oversee the new ministry for the time
He also hinted that the government has
awarded contract for the establishment of
faculty of engineering at the state
university, in Malete town
He disclosed that the project was awarded
for N690.9million and said it is expected
that the faculty would meet requirement for
accreditation as soon as it is completed
The commissioner said the government
would soon lay the foundation for the
vocational training centre it planned to
establish at Ajase-Ipo in Irepodun local
government area of the state Onimago
who noted that this is in addition to the
renovation of existing technical schools in
the state and the plan to float more of the
schools said the projects are in line with the
commitment of the government to its
programme of developing human capital in
the state

Gen Buhari and 2015 drama
Muhammadu Buhari, titled "Buhari and
2015" (Daily Sun, July 6, 2012, back page), made
an engaging read. Hardly does one find a
columnist of Adesina's high standing embarking
on such an unrestrained praise of a controversial
figure known to evoke extreme and contradictory
passions from his admirers and critics, like
Buhari. And among his critics is one of the most
credible moral voices of our time, the Nobel
laureate Wole Soyinka.
Soyinka's "The Crimes of Buhari," published by
Sahara Reporters on January 15, 2007, is
recommended reading for anyone who wishes
to balance Adesina's laudation of Buhari with an
informed, unsentimental assessment of the man,
one of whose transgressions in power – the
wilful spilling of what technically would pass for
innocent blood – should, I think, be indelible from
the mind of every true humanist as from our
history, despite our being prone as a people to
the affliction that Soyinka also has diagnosed as
"collective amnesia," a sort of Alzheimer's
syndrome that manifests on a national scale, and
erodes historical memory.
"…we should not commit the error of opening
the political space to any alternative whose
curative touch to national afflictions has proven
more deadly than the disease," Soyinka warns
with a telling allusiveness in "The Crimes of
Now, it is not hard to discern why Adesina writes
so passionately in favour of Buhari, not when
you think of the import of his declaring himself a
"Buhari forever" loyalist, adding that he will
"follow him into battle, even blindfolded." Buhari
is a charismatic figure, which explains why those
who love him do so with the type of uncritical
mind-set implied in these quoted phrases. But
one of the snags of abandoning ourselves
completely to the force of anyone's charisma is
that it soon begins to pull us in spite of our mind.
And so we may not understand that going into
battle for our idol, blindfolded, exposes us to the
risk of killing people inappropriately, including
defenceless women and children, since – thanks
to our blindfold – we cannot differentiate between
the enemy and such hapless casualties of war;
and certainly like the three men executed under a
retroactive decree by the Buhari regime, if we
would permit a different take on Adesina's tropes.
Even such an idol should worry for his safety
when we follow him to battle blindfolded, since
one of our "blindfolded" weapons might
mistakenly strike him. And one of the shots
Adesina fires in his piece turns out to be in
disfavour of Buhari.
For instance, when he says of Buhari: "Imagine a
former military governor, a former oil minister, a
former head of state, and a former chairman of
the Petroleum Trust Fund, yet he can't fund his
campaign because there's no money." Whatever
this statement was meant to achieve, it also
doubles as an unintended invitation to reassess
Buhari's blame of his poor electoral misfortunes
on rigging, which one admits is a lingering worry
with our polity. Yet it would make sense to
ponder, following Adesina's hint, if Buhari loses
elections because he is "rigged out" or because he
lacks the financial resources to run a proper
electoral campaign that can produce victory.
Even Barrack Obama apparently understood that
money plays a pivotal role in electoral success,
and so had to raise more funds for the
Democratic Party campaign than his main rival,
Hilary Clinton, to clinch the party's ticket, and
proceeded to win the US presidential polls. So if
"there's no money" for Buhari to fund his
campaign and yet he complains when his poorly
funded or unfunded campaign fails to produce
electoral success, is it not as unrealistic as a
farmer lacking the resources to properly cultivate/
manage his farm and yet is unable to understand
why he ends up with a lean harvest – of crops or
I admired the zeal with which Buhari embarked
on his moral reform of our country as Head of
State. But executing three men – Bartholomew
Owoh (26), Lawal Ojulope (30), and Bernard
Ogedengbe (29) – under a retroactive decree as
an expression of that zeal continues to haunt me
as an unpardonable act of murderous
highhandedness. And I remember expressing a
similar view in my reader's response published in
Newswatch magazine circa 1985, after that
painful – and unjustifiable – execution.
Curiously, the Buhari advocacy continues to beat
its chest.

25 investors bid for PHCNpower generation coys
Abuja Bureau Chief
ABUJA — A total of 25 prospective
investors have submitted technical and
financial bids for the six electricity
generation companies of the Power
Holding Company of Nigeria, PHCN.
The Federal Government had set a revised
timeline of August 17, 2012 as deadline for
receipt of technical and financial bids from
the potential investors.
The four thermal power generating
companies slated for privatisation are:
Ughelli Power Plc, situated in Delta area in
South-South region of Nigeria with a total
installed capacity of 972 MW; Geregu
Power Plc- situated in Kogi State in North
Central Nigeria with a total installed capacity
of 414 MW;
The others are: Afam Power Plc,
comprising Afam I-V power stations
located in Rivers State, South-South Nigeria
with an installed capacity of 776 MW;
Sapele Power Plc in Sapele, Delta State,
South-South Nigeria with an installed
capacity of 1020 MW.
There are equally two hydro power
generating companies up for sale, namely:
Kainji Power Plc comprising Kainji Power
Plants and Jebba Power Plants located in
Niger and Kwara States respectively in
North-Central Nigeria and Shiroro Power
Plc at the Shiroro Gorge, Niger State in
North-Central Nigeria.
The next stage of the privatisation exercise,
according to the spokesman of the BPE, Mr.
Chukwuma Nwoko, will be the harvest of
the bidders' technical and financial
proposals for distribution companies. It has
July 31, 2012 as deadline.
The transaction timeline also reveals that
the evaluation of the technical bids will take
place between August 14 and 28, 2012. The
National Council on Privatisation, NCP, will
approve the results of the technical
evaluation on/or before September 11, 2012.
The deadline for the shortlisted bidders for
generation companies to submit their
letters of credit is September 18, 2012 while
October 2, 2012 is for shortlisted bidders for
distribution companies.
The BPE will, between September 25, 2012
and October 10, 2012, open the financial
bids of prospective investors for the
privatisation of the successor companies.

yinka Wednesday 18 July 2012
'Join Illuminati And Land In Hell'--Pastor Tells D'Banj
Before now, it was being speculated that top
Nigerian music star, D'Banj has joined the
illuminati group. This perception may have been
imagined as a result of D'Banj being signed to
Kanye West's G.O.O.D Music label.
During the Mohits' troubled time, it was
insinuated that both Don Jazzy and D'Banj fell
apart due to illuminati issues. With the
Kokomaster's (as D'Banj is also known as)
romance with Kanye West and the Jay Z's clique
got stronger, more people believed that D'Banj
was already into the world's renowned cult
Last week Thursday, July 12, 2012, D'Banj was in
Lagos for a special prayer service organised for
Nigerian celebrities to avert sudden death among
The call was made by Pastor Wole Oladiyun, the
Senior Pastor of Christ Living Spring Apostolic
Ministry (CLAM), Ogba, Lagos.
A source close to the senior pastor reliably told said that D'Banj was warned by
Pastor Oladiyun not to join or be associated with
illuminati. We were told that the pastor gave
D'Banj this stern warning when he had a chat
with him.
He was quoted to have told the 'Oliver Twist'
singer, "don't join illuminati if you don't want to
go to hell fire", the source told.;
We also reliably gathered that D'Banj had a short
performance at the service, where he sang his
'Olorun Maje' song.
The Illuminati cult was founded on May 1, 1776,
in Ingolstadt (Upper Bavaria) as the Order of the
Illuminati, with an initial membership of five, by
Adam Weishaupt. He was the first lay professor
of canon law at the University of Ingolstadt.
The cult was made up of free-thinkers as an
offshoot of the Enlightenment and seems to have
been modeled on the Freemasons.
The Illuminati's members took a vow of secrecy
and pledged obedience to their superiors.
Members were divided into three main classes,
each with several degrees, and many Illuminati
chapters drew membership from existing
Masonic lodges.

SEC staff protest as FG recalls Oteh

The Federal Government has recalled the
suspended Director General of the
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC),
Ms. Arunma Oteh.
However the Staff of the Securities and
Exchange Commission, SEC, Wednesday
protested the reinstatement of the Director-
General, Ms Arunma Oteh, even as heavily
armed security agents were deployed to
forestall breakdown of law and order,
ahead of her resumption.
Her recall was
to her through
a circular,
C.13/454 dated
17/ July, 2012,
signed by the
Secretary to the
Government of
the Federation,
Sen. Anyim
Pius Anyim.
According to him, Oteh's recall followed the
outcome of the findings of the external
auditors, the Price Water Coopers Limited,
which exonerated her from all accusation of
fraud and criminal breaches.
She was however indicted for some
administrative lapses.
The circular reads: "Please refer to the
decision of the Board of Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC) to send you
on compulsory leave in order to enable
SEC's external auditors-the Price Water
Coopers Limited (PWC), to examine the
records of the Commission's transactions
covering SEC project 50 which you
"I am to note that government has studied
the report submitted by the external
auditors and you are neither indicted for
fraud nor criminal breach in any form.
However, some administrative lapses were
reported, particularly, in cases where
administrative procedures were not
thoroughly observed.
"The purpose of this letter is to recall you
from your leave and to caution that you
must henceforth endeavour to diligently
observe all extant rules and administrative
procedures in the conduct of all official

TB Joshua Ministries Deny 2Go Death Prophecy Rumour
Emmanuel! Our attention has been drawn to a
rumour currently circulating around the internet
concerning a prophecy supposedly given by
Prophet T.B. Joshua about a calamity that would
befall users of social networks on Wednesday
18th July 2012.
We wish to categorically state that there is NO
TRUTH WHATSOEVER in this rumour and
Prophet T.B. Joshua NEVER gave such a
The prophecies of Prophet T.B. Joshua are
broadcast live on Emmanuel TV and
subsequently posted on our official website.
We should be very careful not to misquote a
servant of God. The person spreading this
rumour is an impostor. Remember, the Bible
says in John 8:44 that satan is 'the father of lies'.

P-Square Mum Corpse Arrives from Indian
Information reaching us
confirms that the remains of Mrs Josephine
Okoye, the mother of Peter and Paul of P-Square
has arrived Nigeria from India.
Publicist of P-Square, Square Image Associates
(SIA) confirmed this to us some
minutes ago ;that
Mrs Okoye's corpse arrived Lagos yesterday
morning from India, where she died.
Her remains, as we were told by SIA, has been
deposited in a Lagos mortuary. We also
confirmed that the families are still meeting on
burial plans.
Mrs Josephine died on Wednesday, July 11, 2012,
in an India hospital at about 11pm, as reported.
Her last publicised outing was in 2011 at the
album launch of P-Square in Lagos. Mrs Okoye
was reportedly influential in the career of her

FG set to ban importation oflocally made goods- Aganga
Abuja – The Federal Government will soon
ban the importation of goods being
produced in Nigeria to reposition the
manufacturing sector, Dr Olusegun
Aganga, the Minister of Trade and
Investment, has said.
According to him, this is part of a deliberate
policy to protect local industries, boost their
productivity and create more job
opportunities for Nigerians.
Aganga disclosed this on Tuesday during
his facility visit to Innoson Vehicles
Manufacturing Plant and Innoson Industrial
Plastic Plant in Enugu and Anambra,
He said that the new initiative was part of
the National Industrial Revolution Plan of the
Federal Ministry of Trade and Investment.
Aganga said that it was aimed at
repositioning the manufacturing sector in
line with President Goodluck Jonathan's
Transformation Agenda.
"As a country, we have a large market
comprising 167 million people. We are the
gateway to ECOWAS, which are about 300
million people.
"What this means is that local patronage is
very important to us as a country, because
we must take advantage of our large
market to drive our Industrial Revolution
"In fact, local patronage is key to President
Jonathan's Transformation Agenda because
it will help us to increase the productivity of
our local companies; reduce foreign
exchange spent on importation of goods
from other countries and create more jobs
for our people.
"Already, the president has directed us to
compile the list of goods produced by
Nigerian companies so that we will not
have reasons to import those things into
the country.
"We are going to do the same thing in the
states by adopting the same policy.
"I have already met with the Chairman of
Nnewi Chamber of Commerce and
Industry over this matter and they will
submit their list to me within the next one
"Also, the Anambra State governor is doing
the same thing as well as the Manufacturers
Association of Nigeria''
He said that once the process was
completed, "nobody would be allowed to
import those things we produce into the
country, especially those items that we
have comparative and competitive
The minister also disclosed that the Federal
Government was planning to review the
country's public system to give more
opportunities to Nigerian companies in line
with his ministry's Industrial Revolution
The minister said that Nigeria like other
countries across the world would have
preferential treatment for goods produced
in the country.
Gov. Peter Obi of Anambra, while receiving
the minister, said that the state government
would partner with the Ministry of Trade
and Investment to provide conducive
environment to fast-track industrialisation in
the state.
"Anambra has the highest concentration of
industries in Nigeria. So, we will work
together with the Ministry of Trade and
Investment to provide the conducive
environment to support industrialisation,"
Obi said.
Dr Innocent Chukwuma, the Chairman,
Innoson Group of Companies, said during
the facility tour, that the desire to create
jobs and make products more affordable
for Nigerians motivated him to set up four
manufacturing plants.
He said that the support he had so far
received from the Federal Government had
helped his company to expand his
Chukwuma said that Innoson Group
currently employed 7,000 Nigerians,
adding that it had plans to employ
additional 3,000 "when its new plant comes
on stream." (NAN)

FG set to ban importation oflocally made goods- Aganga
Abuja – The Federal Government will soon
ban the importation of goods being
produced in Nigeria to reposition the
manufacturing sector, Dr Olusegun
Aganga, the Minister of Trade and
Investment, has said.
According to him, this is part of a deliberate
policy to protect local industries, boost their
productivity and create more job
opportunities for Nigerians.
Aganga disclosed this on Tuesday during
his facility visit to Innoson Vehicles
Manufacturing Plant and Innoson Industrial
Plastic Plant in Enugu and Anambra,
He said that the new initiative was part of
the National Industrial Revolution Plan of the
Federal Ministry of Trade and Investment.
Aganga said that it was aimed at
repositioning the manufacturing sector in
line with President Goodluck Jonathan's
Transformation Agenda.
"As a country, we have a large market
comprising 167 million people. We are the
gateway to ECOWAS, which are about 300
million people.
"What this means is that local patronage is
very important to us as a country, because
we must take advantage of our large
market to drive our Industrial Revolution
"In fact, local patronage is key to President
Jonathan's Transformation Agenda because
it will help us to increase the productivity of
our local companies; reduce foreign
exchange spent on importation of goods
from other countries and create more jobs
for our people.
"Already, the president has directed us to
compile the list of goods produced by
Nigerian companies so that we will not
have reasons to import those things into
the country.
"We are going to do the same thing in the
states by adopting the same policy.
"I have already met with the Chairman of
Nnewi Chamber of Commerce and
Industry over this matter and they will
submit their list to me within the next one
"Also, the Anambra State governor is doing
the same thing as well as the Manufacturers
Association of Nigeria''
He said that once the process was
completed, "nobody would be allowed to
import those things we produce into the
country, especially those items that we
have comparative and competitive
The minister also disclosed that the Federal
Government was planning to review the
country's public system to give more
opportunities to Nigerian companies in line
with his ministry's Industrial Revolution
The minister said that Nigeria like other
countries across the world would have
preferential treatment for goods produced
in the country.
Gov. Peter Obi of Anambra, while receiving
the minister, said that the state government
would partner with the Ministry of Trade
and Investment to provide conducive
environment to fast-track industrialisation in
the state.
"Anambra has the highest concentration of
industries in Nigeria. So, we will work
together with the Ministry of Trade and
Investment to provide the conducive
environment to support industrialisation,"
Obi said.
Dr Innocent Chukwuma, the Chairman,
Innoson Group of Companies, said during
the facility tour, that the desire to create
jobs and make products more affordable
for Nigerians motivated him to set up four
manufacturing plants.
He said that the support he had so far
received from the Federal Government had
helped his company to expand his
Chukwuma said that Innoson Group
currently employed 7,000 Nigerians,
adding that it had plans to employ
additional 3,000 "when its new plant comes
on stream." (NAN)

My government fail because of Boko Haram says President Jonathan
News has it that President Goodluck Jonathan
today admitted, for the first time, that his
government ground to a halt before it could take
the first step, and he blamed Boko Haram for it.
Mr. Jonathan made the confession at the 60th
National Executive Committee of the Peoples
Democratic Party.
"During [the electoral] campaign, our emphasis
was more on job creation, power but now what
worries us most is security," he said. "This is
because you must be alive before you will eat
He described security as "very, very
fundamental," saying, "If you are not safe, you
can't even think of hunger because a dead person
does not need food."
The President told senior party members that
although he had promised to focus on job
creation and power, he had been forced to
change government policy to focus on security
due to the activities of the violent militant sect.
In convoluted remarks, he said, "If you look at
this issue of Boko Haram, for the past three
weeks, except the incident in Plateau State, which
of course is unfortunate but has nothing to do
with Boko Haram, we will continue to work with
Governor Jonah Jang and other leaders from the
state to make sure that we resolve the crisis in
Plateau State. That has nothing to do with Boko
"But outside that, we would see that there are
some trends, there is some hope and God
willing, the issue of Boko Haram will also come
Mr. Jonathan did not comment on his promise in
April to vanquish the militants by June, a promise
which he did not fulfill. He did not apologize for
that, either.
"Did Boko Haram also persuade him not to give a
damn about corruption, for which both his
government and his party are the most famous?"
a political analyst asked in Abuja today. "If he
says Boko Haram brought him to a standstill, did
they also tell him he should not provide personal
example, such as declaring his assets or telling his
wife it is a shame to live in Abuja and claim a job
in Abuja she cannot possibly honour?"
A newspaper columnist, commenting on Mr.
Jonathan's confession, reminded SaharaReporters
that it was only recently at the "Media Chat" that
Jonathan told Nigerians they will start enjoying his
success in 2013.
"The cows are coming home to roost now," he
said. "Boko Haram did not stop him from buying
himself executive jets or budgeting nearly
N1billion for feeding himself or repeatedly
traveling with hundreds of hangers-on to foreign
capitals to collect huge estacode payments. He is
now telling Nigerians the militants are the ones
stopping him from fulfilling his electoral

Bomb discovered in an hotel in lagos
Bomb was
discovered in a hotel in Ikeja. According to
eyewitnesses, a bomb was found in a room at
Reliance Hotel located on Emina Crescent off
Amore Crescent, off Toyin street, Ikeja.
The hotel shares same fence with St Leo Catholic
Church and is directly opposite Assemblies of
God church. According to hotel sources, three
guys slept in the hotel last night and checked out
this morning. Housekeeper went to clean the
room and discovered the 'surprise'. The hotel
alerted the anti-bomb squad. The streets
surrounding the area was condoned off for hours
as the anti-bomb squad worked to detonate the
bomb. When they did, they brought the bomb
out with a pillow and left it on the streets for a
few minutes, then left with it in their blue vehicle.


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