LASTMA official crushed to Death

LAGOS—A 34-year-old official of Lagos
State Traffic Management Authority,
LASTMA, was Tuesday crushed to death in
his attempt to arrest a driver who
reportedly violated traffic regulation at Oke-
Afa, in the Isolo area of Lagos.
Eyewitnesses said a blue Volkswagen LT
bus with number-plate LSR 942XC, drove
towards Ejigbo in an attempt to beat the
traffic light on reaching Pako. One of the
LASTMA officials on duty, one Mustapher
Adeleke, reportedly attempted to stop him.
In the process, the motorist, identified as
Haruna Nuru, reportedly diverted to Okota
lane, only to swerve to Isolo lane.
An eyewitness, who identified himself
simply as Mr. Oluwole, narrated that
"LASTMA official was pursuing the driver,
as he turned to Okota lane, the LASTMA
official jumped on the vehicle, but lost his
grip and fell off as the driver swerved to
Isolo route, killing him in the process. "
A statement by LASTMA, yesterday,
however, reads that; "An official of
LASTMA , Adeleke has been killed by the
driver of a private vehicle (Blue Volkswagen
LT Bus) with number-plate LSR 942XC.
"The official, who was at his duty post at
Oke-Afa, Ejigbo, with his colleagues, were
part of the team drafted to the axis to
control and enforce driving against traffic
along Mile 2 area.
"The driver of the bus, Haruna Nuru, drove
against traffic from Isolo end of the road
and hit the officer from behind.
Mustapha was later rushed to Isolo General
Hospital and confirmed dead. "The corpse
has been deposited at the hospital morgue.
"The driver, having noticed that he had hit
a government official, ran away with the
vehicle and was apprehended at Abimbola
Road, Limca area, after Isolo Bus-stop, and
handed over to the police. The suspect has
been handed over to the Police at Okota
Police Station."
Meanwhile, LASTMA General Manager,
Babatunde Edu, has advised motorists to
obey the state's traffic laws and order and
desist from "attacking, maiming or
assaulting innocent officers who are
tirelessly working to ensure that we get to
our various destinations on time and
Bomb scare in Lagos
There was a bomb scare in Lagos,
yesterday, when an attempt by a guest to
blow up Reliance Royal Suites at
Majekodunmi Street, off Toyin Street in
Ikeja, was foiled.
The Anti-Bomb Squad men were said to
have arrived the scene at 10.20 a.m, with
their devices, taking the suspected
explosive to their office.
The male guest reportedly planted the
combustive substance inside a jacket with
its timer, before leaving the hotel room .
Immediately he left, report said, one of the
room attenders went in to clean the room
only to discover the suspected explosive.
He reportedly raised an alarm, after which
the substance was taken outside the hotel
premises before the arrival of the Anti-
Bomb Squad.
News of the discovery caused panic
among residents of the area as most of
them reportedly vacated their homes.
When contacted, the Commissioner of
Police in -charge of Bomb Squad, Mr
Folunsho Adebanjo, said it was a mere
bomb scare, describing the substance as a
He explained that "one Akinwunmi
Alagbegun from Reliance Hotel, came to
EOD headquarters to report that an object
suspected to be bomb was discovered in
one of the rooms.
"I sent some men there who recovered the
object and brought it here for analysis and
discovered it to be a hoax. The object
comprises of an Improvised life jacket,
three pieces of red rubber strands, a
computer mouse and four pieces of small
rectangular polystyrene wrapped in a
newspaper, with some carton pieces
stapled to the jacket"
He described the unknown guest as a
deranged person who was only out to
scare people.
The management of the hotel refused
Vanguard entry into the premises.
Moments later, men from the Rapid
Response Squad, RRS, visited the hotel,
apparently to carry out an investigation.

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