4 signs that let you know if A Man is ready for Marriage by joel

Men and marriage -- ever wonder
what it takes to get the two
together? If you're trying to get
your boyfriend to make a
commitment, I have good news
and bad news. The good news is
that you can stop trying to
manipulate, sweet talk or
pressure him into proposing. The
bad news is that there's nothing
you can do to speed up the
process. That's not to say it'll
never happen. Men fall in love and
get married every day. But men
have their own biological clocks.
When they're ready, they head
down the aisle -- but not a
moment sooner. In the
meantime, it's not possible to
convince a commitment-phobic
guy that you're the best thing
that will ever happen to him --
even if you are! If you're anxious
to get married, your best bet may
be looking for someone who
doesn't need convincing to get
down on one knee.
The Sex and the City gang once
compared a marriage-ready man
to a taxi: At a certain point in his
life, he becomes ready for
commitment. His "available" light
goes on and the next lady in his
life gets the ring. Luckily for us,
it's not that hard to tell the
difference between a man who's
got the light on and one who's
just driving around in the dark.
Want some help? Here are four
hints that a man has present-day
potential to become a mate for
1. His Oat-Sowing Days Are Over 2.He's discovered His desire to be a
Dad 3. He's financially Independent and lastly He's your boyfriend in
Name - your Husband in spirit.

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