Having a multiple orgasm is not
some unattainable sexual holy
grail. Women have multiples more
often than you think. A multiple
orgasm is simply "having more
than one orgasm within the
same lovemaking event." You
might have a very specific idea of
what a multi-oh should look like
but, according to Lou Paget,
author of The Great Lover
Playbook, there are actually three
different kinds that women can
have -- "Compound Singles" are
when there are substantial non-
arousal breaks between orgasm;
"Sequential Multiples" are
orgasms that occur two to three
minutes apart with cool-downs
in between; and, "Serial
Multiples" are mere seconds
apart. By recognizing the
different types of multiple
orgasms, a woman may realize
she's been having them and
didn't even know it!
Also keep in mind how unique
each woman is to men. "It's so
much easier for women than
men to have a multiple orgasm,"
says Lou Paget, sex educator and
author of The Big O – Orgasms:
How to Have Them, Give Them,
and Keep Them Coming . "Women
don't go through the refractory
phase the way men do -- with
blood flow releasing after
ejaculation -- so a multiple
orgasm could be seconds after
the first." When a woman has
one orgasm, she doesn't need to
wait for seconds. She can just go
again and again!
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